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The Olympian

May 24, 2024
Why Work Sucks
May 8, 2024
One Hour Later
May 7, 2024
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Why Work Sucks

Work can be a very enjoyable place for some, while for others, it can suck. There can be multiple factors to have a sucky work experience, such as mean/rude co-workers, a bad boss or manager, and many other things. Many people just hate working, or didn’t end up working doing something that they love. Overall though, work just sucks. Working can easily turn something that you love and are passionate about into an insecurity or a hatred. Work can be extremely stressful and time consuming to some, and as you work somewhere for longer the more responsibilities you are required to do. This can make it hard to maintain a life outside of work, and can cause people to end up having no life outside of it. Once most people start working, they really don’t stop working until retirement. That’s ages 20-63, which is 43 years of working. With this amount of work, people will eventually become miserable with it. Work causes so many people to end up giving up on their dreams, and just settle for something that makes them miserable. People basically can’t survive if they choose not to work, unless they already have money. Not only does working suck in general, but the system can be rigged. There can be a lot of nepotism or people with unfair advantage in the working field. This can cause people to get to higher places/levels in a workplace even though they suck at their job. This makes it hard for the people who actually deserve the job and are hardworking to get to the places that they deserve to be. This issue causes many people to be unhappy in their workplace and feel like their hard work is just all going to waste. Overall all of these reasons lead to the same conclusion, which is that work sucks.

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