The Golden Girls. Some say that it’s just an old show that no one watches anymore. Some say it’s a childhood classic. Some would say they have no idea what The Golden Girls is. Well, I’m here to say that it’s worth the watch and it truly is a classic.
As Google describes, it’s “a classic sitcom following four witty, mature women living together in Miami, navigating the ups and downs of their ‘golden years’ with humor, strong friendships, and plenty of cheesecake.”
In the pilot episode, we get introduced to the witty and sassy characters, starting with Dorothy who is incredibly sarcastic and, in a sense, dry with her humor.
On the flip side, there’s Rose who is incredibly dumb, but undoubtedly the sweetest one. Her lack of general intelligence and oblivious nature sets up a lot of jokes for Dorothy’s sarcastic humor.
Next, there’s Blanche who is known for her promiscuous behavior and her larger-than-life personality.
Lastly, there’s Dorothy’s incredibly unfiltered mother Sophia, who claims that because of the stroke she went through, she can’t filter anything she says, which makes her one of the funniest –if not the funniest– on the show. The 80s blurry film and huge fluffy hair gives a special insight on a different time in American history. We see different worries, environments, and pop culture references. Despite these differences, they still joke around like people would today, which makes it so watchable and entertaining.
I was interested to know if anyone from my 1st period table group had seen The Golden Girls. When asked, neither Nye nor Violet had ever watched it before! However, Nye said “I absolutely want to watch it though; it’s a classic”, which gives me faith that more people my age will watch it.
That being said, I hope this article sparks even the slightest bit of interest deep in your soul to go on Hulu and watch the first episode of golden girls.