A Lambright Style of Teaching Government


Connor Spry, Writer

Teaching is one of the most challenging and patient-demanding jobs in the entire workforce. The amount of unnecessary stress teachers experience each day is admirable in such a difficult environment. They must put up with different obstacles and they rarely receive the recognition they deserve. Being a teacher is one of the most fundamental jobs in our society. Being a teacher means you are ushering in new generations to show them how to be a respectable, responsible adult. Coming to school every day can be difficult for some people, but having a fun, engaging teacher can make a significant difference. 

Mr. Lambright is a notable example of what an amazing teacher looks like. Learning about government is exciting because he incorporates entertaining exercises and certain government procedures into the classroom. We learn more through experiences than we would by reading a textbook. 

The vibes in Mr. Lambright’s room are also amazing. It feels like a welcoming, safe space. Charlie C – WSHS senior – says, “The vibes in his room are always chill; it’s not a very stressful class but you’re still learning.” Having Mr. Lambright as a teacher is so refreshing. I have never especially liked history, but Lambright brings a contemporary style of teaching that makes me excited to go to class every day. Ethan A – WSHS senior – said, “Mr. Lambright’s class is different than most history classes, you can really tell that he cares about his students and wants them to succeed in any path they take. If there is anything he can do to support you, you can rest assured knowing he will be there to help.” 

Being a teacher is an incredibly difficult job. It takes incredible amounts of determination, kindness, and patience. Mr. Lambright is an excellent example of all these virtues, whether it is leading you through a fun experience or helping you understand something better, Mr. Lambright is a great teacher to have.